Sometimes we like to call the mountains our playground, but what if the fun and games suddenly turn serious? Ever thought about it? Actually, it’s pretty simple to get yourself in an emergency. A stupid crash, getting lost, aprupt change in the weather pattern or the mother of all nightmares: an avalanche occurs. If you can’t proceed any further without help, you call the mountain rescue service (by the way, that’s 140 in Austria and 144 in Vorarlberg). They’ll come and get you home safe. So far so good.
But did you know, that the guys are doing that voluntary? When they get called to a rescue mission, they leave their warm bed, their friends birthday party, their jobs. And for the latter, they need to use a leave day (there’s no compensation for their loss of earnings or leave days). They do that to safe our asses or even better: our lives. Just like that and with only a clammy handshake as thanks. Who does that nowadays? We pat ourselves on the shoulders for cooking meals for the homeless once a month. But year after year, mission after mission? Only people with great sense of responsibility and altruism do that. And their names aren’t Peter Parker or Clark Kent. But we believe, for all of us mountain lovers they’re heroes just as well.
Because we don’t take this kind of dedication for granted, we looked for options to give a proper thank you. And so this crowdfunding project was born. 100 % of the sale profits will belong to the Bergrettung Vorarlberg (Mountain Rescue Vorarlberg). Maybe we can gain some awareness alongside. Designing a t-shirt was the obvious choice with our Posay background. The design shows the hand-drawn Piz Buin as the highest peak in Vorarlberg, Austria in combination with a quote from the natural scientist John Muir and a reference to the mountain rescue.
Everybody who’s wondering why of all we chose the Bergrettung Vorarlberg: First it’s because we live there in winter and spend plenty of time in said mountains. And second we attended some really excellent avalanche trainings, which were hosted by the mountain rescue department in Schruns-Tschagguns, Montafon.
You like this idea? Then please support the Mountain Rescue by purchasing a shirt or hoodie (organic, of course). Likes and shares on Facebook and Co. help too and are very appreciated. 😉
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